How is "Reality" created through the "Projector of the Mind"?
How do you become the empowered Director of the Movie, instead of the powerless character caught up in the "story"?
"Bend the Matrix" gives you all the "cheat codes" to "Play the Game of Life" like a Master.
- Transcend the "Illusion of Separation" to access the skills, potential, and abilities of "Parallel Selves", and Multi-Dimensional downloads.
- Dissolve MInd-based resistance, to place your Consciousness in the Reality, where what YOU want is happening. (Parallel Reality Hopping)
- Develop deeper discernment to have awareness when your good, clever, and "spiritual" Mind is using these "positive" attributes to keep you trapped in it's limited, unhappy Matrix
- Use this understanding, to actively change a small (personal), or large (global) story that is causing you pain.
Don't Believe the Illusion Until You Like It!
In this program we actively work on events in your life, that you want to "Bend the Matrix" on, to specifically effect outcomes.
You'll learn how to make a story "Book Report", so you can find, and work on releasing, the bigger theme templates, that underlie, and generate unwanted "stories", instead of focusing on, and getting lost in analysis, on the details (where the Mind wants to keep you).
I've personally used these Tools to:
- See my Australian Rules Football team, Richmond, win the Grand Final for the first time in 37 years.
- Bring back lost cats.
- Help my friend Vicki Barbolak make it to the finals of America's Got Talent and launch her dream career.
- Save the drop zone, where I skydive in Hawaii, from being permanently closed, by the Hawaii Department of Transport
And of course assisted many clients with their dreams and goals.