Monday Night Awakening
LIVE weekly sessions with the Circle of Light. Powerful guided energetic meditations, and teachings that heal, balance and transform you, Every session in unique and created for all who participate, and provide the latest energetic updates.
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Activation Gateway
The living archive of all the Circle of Light’s teachings, activations and downloads – accessible to the Circle of Evolution community 24/7. With over 500 recordings this is a treasure trove of infinite intelligence covering every topic imaginable. Fantastic if you are hungry for more in-depth understanding about consciousness and seeking to elevate your frequency and transform your life deeply.
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Path to Mastery Gift Bag
This Special Gift Bag provides you with some energetic treats to get you into your happiest alignment. Some of them are there forever, and some of them are for a short time only. So make sure you check out what is on offer as soon as you gain access. The Gift Bag is designed to share the energetic treasures the Circle of Light are always gifting us with as many people as possible.
66 Videos
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3 Worksheets
19 Files
Authentic Positivity System Boot Camp Full Mentorship
Circle Evolution’s heartbeat program for overcoming conflicting mental states, chronic physical conditions and blockages to love, creative freedom, spiritual awakening, prosperity, and success. Includes 13 week Mentorship Course and 1 Month of Monday Night Awakening. Perfect if you are ready to have a genuine understanding on how creative energy really works and find deeper levels of inner peace and easeful manifestation.
5 Videos
0 Quizzes
1 Worksheet
37 Files
Master Consciousness Integration Pack
The Master Consciousness Integration is the process of embodying the full power of your Master Consciousness Self into this current life incarnation. Learn how to activate its power through having great discernment about what level of consciousness you are experiencing your reality from and to use the most powerful Tools at each level of awareness. A very good program if you feel affected by bigger global storylines, are working with clients or a bigger public in some way.
5 Videos
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Bend the Matrix
Learn how "Reality" is created through the "Projector of the Mind". Understand how to become the empowered Director of the Movie, instead of the powerless character caught up in the "story" "Bend the Matrix" gives you all the "cheat codes" to "Play the Game of Life" like a Master. This program is perfect if you are struggling with highly charged storylines, don't want to feel like powerless victim to life's circumstances or want to help heal bigger global issues. This is next level manifestation
2 Videos
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28 Files
Moving On to the 5D Grid
What is the 5D Grid? What do you need to "Get on it", and start experiencing life from it? Moving from the singular, linear space/time egoic identity to a multi-dimensional, heart centered "All Consciousness" Creator. This is where reality is headed. Are you ready for it?
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0 Worksheets
9 Files
Clearing the Existence Templates
The Existence Templates are some of the densest, most restrictive and pervasive imprints on our consciousness. They often lead to deep hardship, spiritual crisis and feelings of hopelessness and futility. This is an exercise based program focused on the fundamental process to clear the Existence Templates through 6 Steps of Identification, Integration, Purification, DeAnchoring and Dissolving Timelines
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FAN Frequency Activate Now
If you are in the music industry or any other entertainment or creative career this 5 module training will give you the power tools to open your channel and expand your magnetic attractiveness. Overcome blockages and achieve material goals by learning from industry expert Zenya, whose toured and worked with some of the biggest names in entertainment like Justin Timberlake, Jay-Z, Stevie Wonder, Demi Lovato and Shaggy
7 Videos
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5 Worksheets
3 Files
Authentic Positivity System Boot Camp By Donation
Circle Evolution’s heartbeat program for overcoming conflicting mental states, chronic physical conditions and blockages to love, creative freedom, spiritual awakening, prosperity, and success in a pay what you can format. Access new levels of tools and content when you feel ready for more. Please join my email list for BY-DONATION REGISTRATION announcements
8 Videos
0 Quizzes
2 Worksheets
60 Files